Dax had his six month check up yesterday. At 6 months and 22 days he now weighs 18lbs, 5 1/2 ounces. He's 27 inches long and head circumference is 45cm. He's 59% in length, 56% in weight, and 85% in head circumference (big head lol). He has had a cough for about 2 weeks now and for the last several days had a runny nose and runny eyes. We had also noticed a couple days prior to his appointment that he was playing with his ears so we were unsure if he had an ear infection or had just found his ear. Well come to find out he has an ear infection AND an upper respiratory infection. yuck. The poor little guy just can't breath and has a horrible cough. He is now on antibiotics, Tylenol for the pain from his ear, and breathing treatments as needed.
Other than being sick, Mr. Man is doing so good and growing just way too fast! He now can get up on all fours for a few seconds... but then falls back down lol. Rolling around is still his main form of transportation. He is exploring with his voice so much and I just LOVE it! He currently has two favorite sounds.... a real high pitch screech that he does with his mouth shut, and this really fast, chipmunky giggle. lol They're both pretty awesome and I'll have to try to catch them with the camera to share with you guys. Our wiggle worm still refuses to sit up for longer than 30 seconds at a time. He much rather be rolling around or standing. If you try to sit him down he'll instantly start turning or he'll stiffen out his legs so that he stands up. I think it is very likely that he'll crawl... and possibly stand... before he decides to sit up on his own.
Sleep.... oh sweet precious sleep... has FINALLY returned to us! You can't hear me but I just sighed really loud after typing that. He isn't quite as awesome as he was at 8 weeks... but is WAY better than he has been the past few months. He is now going to bed at 7:00pm and waking up at 6:00am. Usually during the first hour or two after he falls asleep we have to go in there a couple times and give him his paci back, and some nights at about 3:30am we have to do the same thing. Those times literally take like a minute though so it's not so bad. Much better than the every hour he was waking up before.
Dax is on this amazing schedule that he does NOT stray from and I love it! We didn't really push him into a schedule, it just sort of happened with our daily daycare/work routines. It is really pretty nice to be able to know what he's going to do at what time (for the most part). We even went out of town for four days this past weekend and he still stuck to his schedule. Dax's day right now looks like this... Wake up & bottle at 6:00, get to daycare at 7:00, cereal & fruit at 7:30, bottle at 8:30, nap at 9:00 for about 30min- 1 hour, veggies at 11:00, bottle at 12ish, nap around 12:30 for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, bottle at 2:30 or 3:00, get home from daycare at 3:30 and play until about 4:30, then a 30 minute nap. Bottle at 5:30, cereal at 6:30, and start our bed time routine at 7:00. I love it and it works out SO well for us.
All but two of my precious kiddos! The cutest 8 girls and 4 boys you'll ever meet!
For the 100th time..... I have the best family in the world! We recently all just spent 4 days together at the lake and it was just perfect! We spend the entire 4 days playing games, laughing, talking, and just simply hanging out together. There's never a dull moment. I also really love the lake b/c I get to spend quality time with my nieces and nephews that I wouldn't get to otherwise. My nephew Kole spent a loy of time haning out with Daniel and I. He is becoming such a GREAT young man and I know there are big things in hid future! My niece Brinyn is so great with the younger kiddos. No matter how old she gets she still finds time to spend with and hang out with them doing things they love. I think she'll make for a great teacher one day. My niece Cheyenne is the biggest diva around.... that can also talk more smack than a grown man when playing games! She is just hilarious to watch! And my nephew Zain is one of the most lovable, ornery, hilarious little boys you'll meet. He's fully of hugs and kisses all the time... for no reason whatsoever. One of my favorite moments this weekend came when his mom (my sister) was nagging him for picking at his sister. He leans over and kisses my sister on the cheek and says, "there, will that make you shut up?" I laughed SO hard! It was simply brilliant! I love them all!
Well, I can't same I'm glad and happy and excited about it... but I can say I've come to terms with it and am preparing myself and family for the move. I know it's for the best and I am glad I get to support my wonderful husband in reaching his dreams, but it's still hard for me. Prayers would still be appreciated.
Well... that's life... I hope you enjoyed :)