Tuesday, March 22, 2011

An Update on Life...

So I realized that I haven't had a real, solid update on our lives lately... so here's a quick run down on Dax, work, family, moving, and life in general... enjoy :)


Dax had his six month check up yesterday. At 6 months and 22 days he now weighs 18lbs, 5 1/2 ounces. He's 27 inches long and head circumference is 45cm. He's 59% in length, 56% in weight, and 85% in head circumference (big head lol). He has had a cough for about 2 weeks now and for the last several days had a runny nose and runny eyes. We had also noticed a couple days prior to his appointment that he was playing with his ears so we were unsure if he had an ear infection or had just found his ear. Well come to find out he has an ear infection AND an upper respiratory infection. yuck. The poor little guy just can't breath and has a horrible cough.  He is now on antibiotics, Tylenol for the pain from his ear, and breathing treatments as needed.
Other than being sick, Mr. Man is doing so good and growing just way too fast! He now can get up on all fours for a few seconds... but then falls back down lol.  Rolling around is still his main form of transportation. He is exploring with his voice so much and I just LOVE it! He currently has two favorite sounds.... a real high pitch screech that he does with his mouth shut, and this really fast, chipmunky giggle. lol They're both pretty awesome and I'll have to try to catch them with the camera to share with you guys. Our wiggle worm still refuses to sit up for longer than 30 seconds at a time. He much rather be rolling around or standing. If you try to sit him down he'll instantly start turning or he'll stiffen out his legs so that he stands up. I think it is very likely that he'll crawl... and possibly stand... before he decides to sit up on his own.
Sleep.... oh sweet precious sleep... has FINALLY returned to us! You can't hear me but I just sighed really loud after typing that.  He isn't quite as awesome as he was at 8 weeks... but is WAY better than he has been the past few months. He is now going to bed at 7:00pm and waking up at 6:00am. Usually during the first hour or two after he falls asleep we have to go in there a couple times and give him his paci back, and some nights at about 3:30am we have to do the same thing. Those times literally take like a minute though so it's not so bad. Much better than the every hour he was waking up before.
Dax is on this amazing schedule that he does NOT stray from and I love it! We didn't really push him into a schedule, it just sort of happened with our daily daycare/work routines. It is really pretty nice to be able to know what he's going to do at what time (for the most part). We even went out of town for four days this past weekend and he still stuck to his schedule.  Dax's day right now looks like this... Wake up & bottle at 6:00, get to daycare at 7:00, cereal & fruit at 7:30, bottle at 8:30, nap at 9:00 for about 30min- 1 hour, veggies at 11:00, bottle at 12ish, nap around 12:30 for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, bottle at 2:30 or 3:00, get home from daycare at 3:30 and play until about 4:30, then a 30 minute nap. Bottle at 5:30, cereal at 6:30, and start our bed time routine at 7:00.    I love it and it works out SO well for us.

All but two of my precious kiddos! The cutest 8 girls and 4 boys you'll ever meet!
Work is so great and I absolutely ADORE my kids! They are truly a group that LOVES learning and it's amazing to watch them. I do a name writing sample each month with them and they have amazed me looking at the difference in the past 5 months! The last couple weeks we have been talking about Going Green and they have just taken off and ran with the idea! I love hearing them remind one another to "take care of our Earth"... it literally melts my heart... and I love seeing them run to the recycling box with their paper, put it in, and look so proud of themselves! Three and four year olds are amazing and I don't know if I'll ever be able to teach another age!  Almost every child in the class can now properly identify all uppercase and lowercase letter of the alphabet and numbers 1-20. Many can also write those letters, and several can tell you the sound that each letter makes. I get a little sad each day when I think about leaving those little stinkers in a month and a half :(  May 6th will be my last day there and I can pretty much guarantee there will be tears.


For the 100th time..... I have the best family in the world! We recently all just spent 4 days together at the lake and it was just perfect! We spend the entire 4 days playing games, laughing, talking, and just simply hanging out together. There's never a dull moment. I also really love the lake b/c I get to spend quality time with my nieces and nephews that I wouldn't get to otherwise. My nephew Kole spent a loy of time haning out with Daniel and I. He is becoming such a GREAT young man and I know there are big things in hid future! My niece Brinyn is so great with the younger kiddos. No matter how old she gets she still finds time to spend with and hang out with them doing things they love. I think she'll make for a great teacher one day. My niece Cheyenne is the biggest diva around.... that can also talk more smack than a grown man when playing games! She is just hilarious to watch! And my nephew Zain is one of the most lovable, ornery, hilarious little boys you'll meet. He's fully of hugs and kisses all the time... for no reason whatsoever. One of my favorite moments this weekend came when his mom (my sister) was nagging him for picking at his sister. He leans over and kisses my sister on the cheek and says, "there, will that make you shut up?"  I laughed SO hard! It was simply brilliant!  I love them all!


Well, I can't same I'm glad and happy and excited about it... but I can say I've come to terms with it and am preparing myself and family for the move. I know it's for the best and I am glad I get to support my wonderful husband in reaching his dreams, but it's still hard for me. Prayers would still be appreciated.

Well... that's life... I hope you enjoyed :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Simple Life

Since Daniel is in medical school still,  I'm currently the only "income" in our house. We do get living expense money from the school which we would not survive without, but since that is received with the beginning of the school year, come late July and August things start getting tight for us. So thinking ahead to then we've started trying to cut back where ever we can in preparation for then.  We had been contemplating getting rid of cable for like a year now.... not necessarily because we are so tight that the extra $60 would make a big difference, but because we simply don't need it (there is really NO time for TV with a baby around anyways).
Well we're going on about week three of no cable in our house and I absolutely LOVE it. You really don't realize how much the TV takes away from your day to day life until it's gone. We now only have whatever channels the antenna picks up (abc, nbc, fox, cbs, random church channels, and random spanish channels) so needless to say, there's not much on unless it's primetime. The first weekend of not having TV was so refreshing. I woke up early with the baby, and instead of turning the TV on I sat in the quiet room for a little while, listening to Dax talk and play, and later turned on some music to listen to. It was so nice! I realized that I pretty much just turn on the TV for the sound... yet end up getting distracted by the ever changing picture on the TV. As corny as it may sound I feel like I was so much more "in touch" with what was going on with my surroundings and I absolutely loved it.
So... here's my sale pitch... If you're looking for ways to cut money here and there..... I HIGHLY recommend getting rid of cable. Between music, Netflix, Redbox, shows on the internet, and simply talking to and spending time with your family, you're sure to be just fine without it.

Puppy Love!!! haha! Don't worry I didn't let her lick his face! lol

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oh Change...

Change, change, change. If there's one thing I'm absolutely horrible with.... it's change. And boy am I in for it over the next several months. 

Yesterday I come home to the garage door open and awaiting me, welcoming me home. I walk in to a wonderfully cleaned kitchen. Man, am I spoiled or what?!?!   Ehhh that's what I thought at least... until I realized that Daniel was just trying to soften the blow a little (not that I'm complaining at all). We're what?!? That was my reaction.

My reaction after hearing that in May, only two months from now, we'll be moving to Tulsa. A whole year earlier than originally thought. Wowzer...

So I knew that we would be making the move at some point for Daniel to finish school, and had mentally prepared myself for that to happen in about a year and was ok(ish) with the idea. But finding out that it will be 2 months instead of 14 months until we move has thrown me through quite the loop. I'm not ready. At. All.   

Things are so, so, so wonderful right now at work and I hate that I'll have to leave that. My students are absolutely amazing. We have a pretty awesome thing going on in that class of 4 year olds. My coworkers are awesome and some of the best ladies I've ever met. Dax is right next door, literally, and I can see him whenever I want throughout the day. And I'm making good money (considering) while enjoying going to work each day... do I really have to leave all that?!
My ENTIRE family lives within 30 minutes of one another. I'm going to be the one to change that. Being so close to each other has allowed us to be SO close to one another and have a relationship that most people dream of having with their family. We randomly have family gatherings just to see each other. My mom comes over just to hang out with me at least once a week. I'm able to help my niece with school projects and go to programs at her school during the week. Scentsy parties, birthday parties, random shopping dates with my mom, meeting for dinner.  Those things are going to be pretty hard to do living 2 hours away.
I finally had my plan set with completing my student teaching. I was going to continue working at Creative Kids until December, student teach Spring 2012, move to Tulsa May 2012, and hopefully find a job for the 2012-2013 school year. That won't work anymore, and I don't think you have any idea how long that took me to get that figured out (I'm pretty indecisive to say the least). 
I like Dax's room. It was a lot of work getting it to look exactly like I wanted it to. Hopefully we'll be able to repeat it.
I like our neighborhood. It's quiet, small, cute, the perfect little square for walks. 
I like our garden in the back yard and was looking forward to growing our own vegetables again this year. 
If I need to go anywhere now I can get there quickly without taking the highway (one of my least favorite things to do EVER is drive in the highway).
Norman... my favorite place ever... is 15 minutes away. 
My niece is expecting again, due in July with my nephew Kason Ryan and I'm suppose to be there in the room with her when he's born.

Don't get me wrong, I love my husband more than anything in the world and am more than happy to do anything I need to to help him reach his goals, it's just that it's a lot of change really quickly... and change is something I don't do well with.

Sorry for the "glass half empty", "debbie downer" post but I think I needed to get it all out to help come to terms with it all and start mentally preparing myself for whats to come in two months. Prayers would be greatly appreciated :)

Smile :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Ta-Da!!!! As you can obviously tell I did a little spring cleaning on the blog <3

This beautiful weather the past few days put me in the mood to make some changes so this was my first stop. This weekend will consist of Daniel and I cleaning the house and rearranging the furniture! I'm pretty pumped.... don't judge :)