So if you know me well you know that I am 110% obsessed with Christmas time. I'm like a little bitty kid starting at the end of November until January 1st. It's honestly probably a little sad. I love absolutely everything about the season.... cold weather, Christmas smells, Christmas lights, trees, ornaments, the colors, giving, snow, music, the idea of Santa, and even the craziness of shopping during this time of year.... literally, I love everything.
Here at our house we are almost done decorating... the only thing we have left are our outside lights. Here's a peek inside our house :)
This is Dax's ornament this year. Since he doesn't watch TV or anything it was sort of tricky to come up with an idea for ornaments because we wanted it to be something that reflected upon his interest and likes. His first word other than momma or dada was "bird" and he still to this day loves to watch birds, so we thought it was fitting :)
I think my favorite ornament on our tree.... I'm sort of obsessed with Santa... and this little guy is just presh.
This was one of Dax's ornaments from last year. :)
I ordered this one from pottery barn last year and money went to an organization out of Africa. I love this one and think it's a good representation of what the holiday season should be about.
So we had this perfect wreath for our front door but could not figure out a way to hang it for the life of us. The seal on the door was too tight for a wreath holder, and command hooks on the outside just fell off when the door got cold. So while spending way too much time on pinterest, I came across this idea.As you can tell it worked beautifully! Upside down command hook on the inside, with ribbon tied around the wreath, over the top of the door, and hooked to the hook. We've had it up for a week now and haven't had a single issue.... I'm telling you... pinterest is a lifesaver!
I'm not a fan of very many Christmas potpourri scents so I opted for ornaments in my vase instead.... LOVE it!
Did the same sort of idea with my candle holders I have out. During the year I usually have small rocks in them that complement the living room great.... so for Christmas I put tiny ornaments in one, red & white pebbles in another, and some Christmas greenery in the other.
I adore these stockings! I ordered them last year online and have been 110% satisfied with them. We plan on having these for quite some time and even ordered and extra blank one for a future kid on down the line.
Have I mentioned I love Santa's?? Because I do.... especially this one. So does Dax :)
And the grand finale..... our tree!! (and dog stockings hanging next to it)
I love it and it's absolutely perfect to me.
And this is Dax's tree! So before we put up our tree I started planning on how to handle 1 year old curious fingers with the decorations. For Halloween he had his own decoration area that he could take down and play with as much as possible. He never once touched any other decoration we had out. So for Christmas I decided it would be a good idea to have his own little tree out with toddler safe ornaments on it so he could explore it on his own and hopefully leave the big tree alone. We've had them up for a week and it has worked just as I hoped it would! After a couple times of redirecting him from our tree to his, he now only touches the ornaments on his tree. Exactly what I wanted to happen! I highly recommend this to other with curious toddlers!