So it's be awhile since I posted on my new job (well... somewhat new job... I've been there for like 5 months now) so I thought what a better time than on my day off from that job :)
I am still loving it so much. Really... I do. Despite being absolutely exhausted, mentally and physically worn out, I love it. If I was going to be working anywhere... this is the place for me. I love my kids and am super sad that I only have a month left with them before they move up to their new classroom. They have come so far in 5 months and I"m so proud of them... I'll miss them a ton. Even my rotten ones :) I've seen some very heartbreaking things in the five months I've worked there but that only makes me love my job even more... knowing that for the 6 hours a day that I have those babies they have anything and everything they need. If I was in a position to adopt... I would run out and do it right now. I've always known that I want to adopt a little.... and now I'm even more certain of it. I can't wait for that day...
Well here are some pics of what's been happening in my room over the past 5 months (faces are blurred to protect my babies).
Our family tree. The kids painted the branch and I hung pics of everyone in our class on it. It's hanging from the ceiling first thing when you walk in the room
Some serious ramp action has been happening. They're pretty simple ramps but they're doing such awesome things with them.
We've been doing a nature study for over a month now. They're obsessed. I believe this was a millipede that they found.
More with out nature study. Our sensory table is full of items they/we have found and collected. She was saying, "it's so cold on my hand" :)
This little love found some rocks and did some seriation/counting activities with them completely on her own.
Our nature study took a big turn to birds/nest. They loved looking at feathers on the light table.
They wanted to feed the birds and came up with the idea of buying a bird feeder. They filled it up and everything on their own :)
This turned out to be my absolute favorite project they have done. It started out as just a weaving project.... but the kids began calling it a "Birds nest". Beautiful. It's now hanging in our classroom and is perfect. I'll take a final pic soon and post it.
I found this best at home and took a pic of the eggs that were in it. They loved it! I also was able to get a pic of the baby birds a little later.
Our science area is my favorite space in the room. I hung branches from the ceiling above it and from the branches have hung nature items that the kids have collected and painted. It also has our actual birds nest in it and some small ones that a couple of my girls made from paper.
We like to turn trash into treasure in our room :)
some watercolor paintings separate our room from the bathroom and our neighboring classroom (which is what you see in the background)
We did some seed planting in our room. The kids prepared the dirt, filled up the container, planted the seeds, wrote the labels (which is what you see here), and are watering the flowers each day.
Their finished planting project.
Well sorry for the picture overload... but there are so many awesome things happening I couldn't narrow it down :).... and I also love my job.... just a little...