Monday, November 8, 2010

Life With Dax...

Dax is 10 weeks old today! TEN! That is so crazy! Time has gone by so fast it's hard to believe. He goes Wednesday for his 2 month appointment and shots :(   I'm really sad about shots but looking forward to seeing how much he has grown! So since today is his 10 week birthday I thought it would be fitting to have this post be a run-down of the last 10 weeks. Here's how our life with Dax has been...
To be completely honest, the first month and a half of Dax's life was sort of a mess. He was quite the fussy little guy... if he wasn't eating or sleeping... he was crying. It was pretty rough on Daniel and I... the new adjustment to having a baby, Daniel being in school, a minor case of the baby blues, plus a fussy baby ment many nights of feeling helpless and questioning whether or not this being a mom thing was truly what I was ment to do (some people grow up knowing they're ment to be doctor, or ment to be a teacher.... I grew up knowing I was ment to be a mom). It took awhile for us to really realize that it wasn't something we were doing or not doing... that instead it was that Dax was hurting. We decided that he had silent reflux (he had all the classic symptoms) and had major gas on his little tummy. The two of these things equalled one very unhappy little man. We began using Gripe Water and like magic we had a new baby!
Starting at about 6 weeks life got much easier and happier in the Freno house. Dax starting feeling much better, baby blues were long gone, there were plenty of social smiles going on, feedings at night went from every 3 hours to every 5-6 hours.... needless to say, things were falling into place and the constant questioning and feeling helpless went away. Though it was a rough 6 weeks, I wouldnt trade it for the world. I feel that God used that as a slap in the face for me and Daniel... he wanted to bring us down to reality and realize that we didn't know everything about raising a baby. That no matter how much education I've had in early childhood and experience I've had with little ones... and no matter how much education Daniel has had... that being a parent isn't something you can be completely prepared for. You have to roll with the punches. It isn't by the books. We grew a lot as individuals, as a couple, and as a family during that 6 weeks and I'm so thankful for that blessing. I feel that we are now prepared for ANYTHING God throws at us.
After a crazy first 6 weeks... the last 4 have been just wonderful. He's been like a new baby and things are getting so fun. He's starting to talk and plays with his tongue a lot. It's hard work trying to figure out how to work that thing! In the last week he has really found his hand and has it in his mouth a lot... occassionally sucking away on that thumb! He's still breastfeeding which I'm so excited about and will now go 7-8 hours between feedings at night (with the occasional night being much longer than that). His little body is like clockwork! You can pretty much guarentee that after 1 1/2 hours he'll be ready to go back to sleep. He'll just play and talk for about an hour long at a time now which is really exciting. His absolute favorite thing in the world is this mirror that hangs above our couch... he'll break his neck to see it... and it can't be just any mirror, trust me, we've tried it.... it has to be that specific mirror. It drives Daddy and I nuts.  He also loves watching his OU mobile that hangs above his changing table. Dax's favorite thing to do though is be outside.. which is SO exciting to me! Daniel and I love being outside so we're glad he does too. He has been to the lake twice since he was born and is the happiest I've ever seen him when we're there... I think we have another lake baby on our hands :)
Well that's life with Dax... we've enjoyed it... I hope you did too :)

1 comment:

  1. SO awesome. I love that you said Dax's first weeks at home was God humbling the both of you... Really awesome that you know that's what it was and were able to grow and learn in that. He's so adorable... I just can't wait to meet him! Love you!
