One of my favorite things about this time of year is very yummy fresh fruit! And with Dax eating more and more finger foods I've been trying to come up with more things that we all can eat... meaning that it is healthy, generally organic, and contains minimal sugars. Dax absolutely loves fresh fruit and does really good eating it, and loves bread of any kind. I had been wanting to make a fruit pizza for awhile now but really didn't know much about it besides the fact that it looked like a pizza and had fresh fruit on it. I looked up recipes and they all used sugar cookie as the "crust". Well that wasn't going to work for us and pretty much eliminates the word "healthy" from the snack... so I substituted whole grain pita instead. It was delish! Here's a little step by step of my first fruit pizza endeavor..
All of the yummy stuff I used. I diced up blueberries, kiwi, strawberries, peaches, and raspberries. But you can use any fruit that you really enjoy... these just happen to be our favorites. And as I mentioned above I used whole grain pita as the crust. |
For the topping on the "pizza" I used fat free cream cheese with a few drops of vanilla mixed into it! The vanilla completely changed the taste of the cream cheese and it was so yummy! Who would have thought! I spread the topping out over the pita. I made two separate "pizzas" one for me, Daniel, and his sister and her husband to eat that night after dinner, and one for Dax. On the one for the adults I made the cream cheese a little thicker, and on Dax's I spread it out pretty thin. |
The finished product!!!! You don't have to get all fancy laying the fruit out like I did... but I had nothing better to do with my time while little one was napping. If you let it sit in the refrigerator for a bit before eating the fruit stays on better than eating it immediately after making it. For the adults I cut it like pizza slices and for Dax I cut it into bite size pieces. |
Well that's the very yummy and healthy dessert that we had this week at the house and we will definitely be having more often! You should try it out.... I promise you'll love it.
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