Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Toddler Spaces Part Dos!

Just like the living room, I try to change out toys in his room about once a month. I still only do quiet, calm toys in his room because we want it to be a peaceful, calm place. Most of the time we spend in his room is spent reading books. Really the only time he plays in there is for about 10 minutes before he falls asleep (at night time and nap) and if I'm working on something in there. He wants to be with us so he spends most of his time playing in his space int he living room. Here's a peek at his room right now....
 View from by his door.
View from the closet.
 Dax's closet doors are magnetic so we have letter magnets on it, along with a magnetic picture of Cheyenne (his cousin who is one of his favorite people), and we also usually have a Santa magnet on there too :)  He's a big fan of Santa
 So When I first put art up on Dax's wall I said I was going to rotate it out. But I can't get myself to part with any of it so I just keep adding to it :)  I do think it's kind of fun though to see how his art has progressed from 6 months to 16 months :)
 Reading space. Eventually I want to hang some fabric from the ceiling around this area and make it super cozy but I want to wait until he's just a bit bigger. So for now stuffed animals and pillows will have to do  :)
 These are Dax's shelves now. Few of our favorite books on the shelf, wooden stackers, wooden shape sorter, wooden bead toy, sensory bottles, and a couple cars.
And the last thing is the bookshelf. Here are some of Dax's books that he's not quite into yet, some wooden cars and wooden puzzles. The box is a sensory box. We have a few different ribbons of different textures, a sensory bottle with bells in it, some metal bracelets, and some puffy balls. Eventually I'll make some smell bottles and add them in there as well!

Well that's it for our newest updates! I know I love seeing pictures of other kids rooms so hopefully you enjoyed it too!


  1. I love his play spaces! You're doing a great! I only wish my kids were as civilized lol. The 1 year old thinks drawing is pretty cool but insists on trying to eat crayons. Also, I tried hanging up some of the two year old's artwork but he tore it down during his afternoon rest time lol.

  2. thanks! Dax wanted to bite crayons too so I got some colored pencils and he does MUCH better with those! And I use contact paper to hang up pictures. Maybe you could try that?
