Monday, March 11, 2013

"If" Day!

So how's your Monday been going?

Oh until 11:00 am ours was not so hot. Hubby slept very little... and I had a stomach full of butterflies.

But then 11:00am came and boy how quickly our Monday changed...

Daniel matched!!! Woohoo! All of his hard work over the past 4 years and money spent on interview season paid off. He officially gets to do what he loves (be a surgeon) for the rest of his life and he has a job come July 1st!

After being swept off my feet and spun in circles... we celebrated with a toast of champagne and then headed out for a celebratory lunch!

At lunch I asked him how he was feeling.... "I feel like I'm on cloud 19"

What a wonderful day. I couldn't be more proud of my husband.

Now only 4 more days of waiting to see where we matched at (again... cruel and unusual punishment... why not just tell us now?).


  1. Yay!!! Congrats. I am so glad y'all got have a fun celebratory lunch!! Can't wait until Friday!! EEKKK...

  2. love everything about this!!!!!!!!! so excited for all of you!!! eeeep!

  3. Congratulations! May this week fly by for you guys...

  4. Hi Kandice!

    I have a quick question about your blog. Please email me when you get a chance...thank you!

    1. I wasn't able to find an email address for you Kendra

  5. Congrats! Can't wait to see where you matched and where this next part of the med journey takes you!
