Monday, April 1, 2013

Medical Mondays: A little moving advice

First off... it's Medical Monday!! 
If your a friend or family member, Medical Mondays is a blog hop for anyone associated with the medical field whatsoever. It's a great way to connect with other women who are going through or have gone through life as a medical spouse (because I truly feel like there's no way for anyone to understand what life during training is like unless you're married into medicine or the military).
And for visitors from the blog hop.... welcome!! A quick introduction.... I'm Kandice, started dating my now husband at the age of 14, got married in undergrad, had our son at the beginning of MS2, moved 2 hours away from family for MS3 & MS4, and just recently found out that we matched for General Surgery in Mobile, AL. Other than medicine.... I have a degree in Early Childhood Education but am currently staying home with our little boy, I love crafting & photography & the outdoors... now if only I had more time for all that :)

Now on to the good stuff! Sorry I've been a little MIA... but as you can imagine life has been crazy as fourth year comes to an end.  Two huge things that are a big part of our life right now is preparing to buy our first home and preparing Dax for the big move.... and I would lovvve your input on both of those things!

This time next week we'll be in the midst of our 12 hour drive to Mobile to spend a few days looking at houses and hopefully putting an offer in on one. We have a narrowed down list and our realtor also has some she'd like to show us. We've been renters up until this point so this is a whole new world for us! And frankly... only having 2-3 days to look at houses in person makes me pretty nervous! So.... for you ladies that have bought houses.... what did you do to make it more successful... AND, what are some things we should make sure to look at/check before committing to a house?

And the second thing I would love your input on is preparing our 2 1/2 year old for the move. We have a map and have showing him and talking to him about "our new home"(check out a precious video of that here). We've also tried to include him in the packing. I've been letting him help me pack boxes and tape them shut. And I also bought 3 new books for him... Boomer's Big Day, Melanie Mouses Moving Day, and Berenstain Bears' Moving Day. We've been reading these at least once a day (initiated by him) and make connections between what's happening in the book and what we're doing. We're also redoing his room at the new house so we've been showing him all the things for his new room... and that seems to be helping get him excited for it. He asked me at snack time the other day, "We have a new snack at our new home?" Not surprised that his main focus is on what he's going to get to eat there :)    Again for you medical moms (and any other moms for that matter) that have gone through a big move with your little one.... what did you do to help prepare your little one?

And to end the post.... here's a little cuteness to brighten your day!
PS.... I just got set up with Bloglovin' so follow me there!
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  1. Thanks for linking up with Medical Mondays! To answer your questions, I wouldn't worry about your son. He will be fine. The house, are you sure you want to buy? Understand the reasons why you personally want to buy over renting. 2-3 days isn't a lot of time but you should drive by the home you want to put an offer on at different times of the day. Get out and talk to neighbors. Drive a mile in each direction of the home. Are there eye-sores, less desirable things, etc that you want to know about before it's too late. Listen. What do you hear? Train tracks, sirens (close to police/fire station), airplanes, cars, etc. Is it a fixer upper? Will you have the time/money to take care of it? Don't let you emotions talk you into a house you know is out of your price range. Stand strong! Best of luck on your house hunting trip and move. But really, your son will be just fine - they adapt more quickly than we do.

  2. Hi Kandice! Stopping by from MM! Your son is so adorable!! :)

    My SO is doing a transitional year so right now, we're just doing the first year so it's renting for us. SO says we won't buy until we know we're staying in one place long term. Honestly, Jane's advice is the same advice I'd give :)

    My own son, on the other hand, is excited about getting his own room! Which it sounds like your son is excited about his as well. Kids are so adaptable, and if much isn't changing except location and house, he'll be fine :D


  3. Hi Kandice! Stopping by from MM.

    I think at 2 1/2 your son won't have many problems. We moved several times and it didn't phase our kids until my oldest was 4... now he remembers our old house and still talks about it. Our kids love traveling and feel it's an adventure, though! They are always asking to go stay in a hotel, haha! (Lots of adventures from away rotation days)...

    As for the house, I'd take some paper and keep a list of pros/cons as you go through each house and then you and your husband each give it a score from 1-10 immediately upon leaving. It helps to follow your realtor rather than ride together so that you can talk honestly. Ask your realtor his / her opinion on what stands out as good / bad about the house - what would help / hurt you when you resell it later? What does he / she notice that you may not have noticed? Don't feel bad about going back for a 2nd look at your top 2-3 choices before making an offer. It's very common. We actually went back three times! Finally, tell your realtor you want the pickiest inspector he/she knows!! Also, make sure a home warranty is written into the contract. Good luck!!

  4. Thanks for joining Medical Mondays! Congrats on the match and happy house hunting! :)

  5. Happy medical mondays! Good luck with the big move- I've been through Mobile quite a bit as my husband and I live in Louisiana and we travel through Mobile to go to the beach every year. We're moving to Jackson, MS this summer after my husband finishes his Ortho residency. Can't wait to follow along with you!

    Chrissie at

  6. Kids are extremely adaptable - if you are happy and excited about the change he will be happy and excited!

    Enjoy house hunting! Definitely check out the neighborhood well. WALK at least a couple block radius around any house you are serious about! As a mom, I am always wanting to see the nearest park and library:)
