Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Little New Mommy Love...

At the time it seems like half of my friends on facebook will be having little ones of their own before long... so this post is dedicated to them :)

Dear New Mommy,

Hello you amazing powerhouse you. As we speak you are taking part in the most amazing, miraculous thing that will ever happen to you. By now you have read all the do's and don'ts for taking care of yourself while you have a precious little angel growing inside of you. And you have also read everything on how to make sure you're little one comes out just perfect, two legs, ten fingers, baby fat... all the necessities :) But needless to say you have also heard everyone (and by everyone I mean everyone... including complete strangers) throw in their two sense on what you should wear, what you should eat, what you think and say. I'd love to say it just gets better after your precious bundle of joy arrives... but I'm nice enough not to lie to you :)

I have very firm ideas and beliefs on how I plan on raising Dax. Some people agree, some don't, some think I'm absolutely insane. But I could honestly care less. And that my friend... is my advice to you. 

As a mom you're going to read a million different books and articles and websites that say what you should and shouldn't do to raise you're own little prodigy. And every single one is going to say something different. Also as a mom... you're going to constantly hear opinions from family, friends, coworkers, and once again, complete strangers on what you are or aren't doing. And once again, please take my advice.... care less. The only opinions that truly matter are yours, your significant other, and your main man upstairs. Do what feels right for you and what works for you and your family. Do your own research and thinking and don't depend on what others have said works for them. Also, don't stick to ages and time lines that others tell you, even doctors. Follow your own babies cues and signs, and once again, stick with your gut. With that said, don't go doing some absolute crazy thing like making your 6 month old start drinking skim milk from a sippy cup instead of formula to get rid of that ever growing baby fat. 

Final words for thought:  There's a thing called the mommy instinct for a reason... follow it. You know your little one better than any doctor, world renown philosopher, family member or friend. For goodness sake... you've had this relationship and bond growing for nine months longer than anyone else. You were literally "one" with your sweet baby. You have reasons for the things you do and there is no need to justify what you're doing and why. As far as I'm concerned, as long as that baby is strong, happy, cared for and loved... you're not doing a thing wrong. 

Keep your head up and stand firm on your beliefs supermom.


Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the simple things in life.... Dax does :)

1 comment:

  1. What a great post, Kandice. Parents today are under so much pressure to do it "right". Is there really such a thing? Everyone has different advice and is incredibly certain their advice is right. We all have different ideas of what is right. Some people choose to do things that I would rather bite my fingers off than do. But that's their prerogative. I was so glad you mentioned doctors too. One of the things I tell parents is that doctors are skilled in the physical body but not so much in development or speech or psychology or any of those other things (although they surely will try to tell you they are). My mantra, as cruel as it sounded, was always, "you do your job--be a doctor, dentist, or whatever--and leave the mothering to me."
